Amy J. Spragues Comments
My poems are often never really planned outI dont work that way. A Trauma Theory came out of nowhere in about twenty minutes, as did Daddys Game, but Its in the Little Pieces was a process. I guess what I do is find an emotion (especially ambiguous ones) and look to see where its coming fromnot the feelings but the facts. I juxtapose fact and emotion but the only way I can do that is by walking around in those feelings and facts for however long it takes until it comes spilling out of me. I have little control over what comes out yet I guide it. Ninety-nine percent of the time I put it away (or submit and cross my fingers) and when I come back to it Im surprised by whats been written. Ive found essays and poems in files I forget about until I stumble across them and I vaguely remember writing them. Strange. But true.
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