Linn & the Woman on the Phone Should Run for Office
Daniel Gallik
Linn was chatting. Again. On the phone,
I mean, the insane leadership in this nation,
Damn, oh wait a minute, here comes Joeeeey
Down from his shower, hon, would you make
Sure you have enough u-trow in your chest
For the week? Or Ill chuck a wash in.
Anyway, that Bush. I dont know where his
Head is. I know hes telling the truth.
But is he our true leader? Damn, wait
A sec. Joeeeeeeeeey, I told you to put
Deodorant on when you go to school. Damn,
Youre late anyway. Back to Bush, I mean,
I cant wait till the next election. Maybe
The Demoes will finally present to us
A good leader. Joeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey,
I want you to take a bus. To school. Or
Get on the Rapid. Damn, how many times
Must I tell you to be responsible? Anyway,
Your mom wont be home when you get home.
Ill be looking for a job. And shopping
For p.j.s. And Mark, my new beau, wants
To SEE me after his supper at some hot
Spot near a motel in Parma. So, anyway,
Youll probably be sleeping when I get home.
Back to Bush, I think we should elect Demoes
Next election. Or punt. Or just not go
To the polling places. To show em we dont
Care. So, then, maybe, they will see
The light. And stop being politicians. Or
Republicans. Or men. Dont you just hate men?