portion of the artwork for Sarah Sarai's poems

Maybe Not So Big
Sarah Sarai

Maybe a hat’s off to the cap,
battening down firmly my self-
heating temple and its plucky luxury
of memories movement-enriched.

Maybe an homage to buttons keeping
goosebumps off flesh, and me
from clutching garbs as if
they had abandonment in mind.

Maybe a humble treatment of the spoon
whose architecture bridges greasy
bounties of insistent hungers
agreeably stumbling me to the grave.

And a final simple praisesong for ice,
focused in a cube-grid tray, the stout floes
jostled in tumblers awaiting sacrament of
fizz sweet and wrenching, carbonation’s
miraculous mercury wholeness, buoyant.

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FRiGG: A Magazine of Fiction and Poetry | Issue 28 | Spring 2010