Marc Vincenzs Comments
The Mystical Art of Accounting
Belief in ones accountant is surely a matter of concerted faithand indeed, all those who have that mysterious predilection with number crunchingspecifically prognoses, diagnoses, predictions, and hard-boiled statistical evidence. One might say, in fact, that the modern day high-flying accountant or finance whiz is yesteryears equivalent of a Sybil, sage, or a bone-cracking soothsayer. After all, the underlying forces of the cosmos all appear to be tied up in modern, free-for-all economics. As has recently been well documented, not a day goes by without a personal evaluation of the cost of bacon.
Mister Wang Baits Matter
True story of a man convinced of his own powers, and for whom life has proven to be a blessing of material wealth. Teddy Liu was literally absconded for the sake of the business. I imagine hes now enjoying his just fruits hanging in the cloud forest free of charge; or perhaps hes breaking rocks with a pickaxe. Either way, Mister Wang continues to bait matter. Ive heard that the daily intake of Sichuan noodles is starting to show on his waistyou cant fight the law of physics. But then, of course, this is hearsay, and we all know cigarettes dont grow on trees.
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