Crystal J. Hoffmans Comments
These four poems are part of a series inspired by Surrealist methods
of composition and artistic theories of creation and audience/creator
conflict and engagement. The three Surrealists whose poetry (and other
creative works) have influenced these poems most particularly are
André Breton, Max Ernst, and Benjamin Péret.
I wrote Because its October, and Rivers Dont Freeze and Aubade as part of a series of Surrealist Love Poems. Hey you lookin? The crackhead on Liberty and Taylor is a Surrealist Grunge Poem. With my own eyes, I saw the Sibyl hanging in a cage is a Surrealist Fairy Tale.
The general style and content of the first three of these poems are
not pure Surrealismtoo many narrative and logical sequences permeate
them to merit that label. However, their use of conflictive images and
symbolism, dream-time structural movement, and their methods of
creation reflect the influence of the poetry mentioned above.
I aim for honest, yet tense and slightly difficult interaction with my
reader or listenerthese poems, I believe, gain a lot in performance.
I write from dream and personal experience, as I feel that the poets
intense engagement with lived (one can live through dreams) words is
necessary to write a poem that the reader or listener can swim inside
of. This is the ultimate goal of my poetry.
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