Rachel McKibbens Comments
Three of these poems, The Lovers, in Bed, Pushing Daisies, and May Day were all written during this past Aprils poem per day challenge. The Lovers, in Bed is the first poem in a series I am writing (which includes The Lovers, in a Funeral Parlor and The Lovers, in the Kitchen so far). My favorite television series deals with two things I have been obsessed with since I was a childthe afterlife and pie. Pushing Daisies, is, of course, my homage to that fabulous show.
May Day was inspired by a startlingly beautiful photograph of Evelyn McHale by Robert Wiles. All I can really say is image search it if you havent seen it. It will not leave you once you do.
CitySights and The Widower were both written during poetry workshops I taught at Bellevue Hospitals on-site high school. The class pulled twenty random words from a jar, each word then had to be included in each line of the poem. They are what I call my accidental poems, although CitySights is an entirely true account of a conversation I had over an actual chicken Caesar salad.
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